Christmas Fair in Vancouver, BC

Building Community through art in Calgary, AB

Youth Program in Duncan, BC

Christmas altar in Seattle, WA

Pentecost Conference in Vancouver, BC


Rev. Erica Maclennan

Rev. Marc Fortin

Rev. Erica Maclennan serves the Vancouver BC congregation and its affiliates in Duncan, BC and Calgary, AB. She resides in the Vancouver area.

Rev. Marc Fortin serves the Vancouver BC congregation and supports the work in the affiliates. He resides in the Vancouver area.


 The Christian Community is a world-wide movement for religious renewal that seeks to open the path to the living, healing presence of Christ in the age of the free individual. There are approximately 350 independent congregations worldwide. Our Movement is an independent community centered around the seven sacraments in a renewed form, without attachment to any existing church or ecumenical movement.


The Vancouver congregation of The Christian Community was founded in the early 1970’s by a group of young people looking to work together creatively and spiritually. They found, with the help of their first visiting priest, Rev Verner Hegg and his wife Alstan,  the strengthening help of the sacraments of the Christian Community. The sacraments continue to live in the congregation. 


The church began on Frances Street in East Vancouver and moved in the mid 1980’s to the current home at 5050 Hastings Street in Burnaby. For nearly the last 50 years this founding community has formed the congregation of the Christian Community, raising their families, caring for their neighbours and sensing Christ at work in the world.


We welcome all regardless of age, race, national origin, gender and sexual orientation. Anyone seeking a community of Christians that combines sacramental integrity and freedom of belief will find an open door. We see freedom and a sense of responsibility as crucial elements as we approach Christ Jesus’ deed and message. All who come will encounter an environment in which, as a community and as individuals, we can strive to cultivate free inquiry in harmony with deep devotion.

Read more about Renewing Christianity.
Please also visit
The Christian Community of North America to learn about the work of our congregations.
And the
Youth of the Christian Community in the US and Canada.